Join Our Order

Order of Lilith (OL) is run by members of our order and lead by our High Priest. All of those who wish to seek membership will be required to fill out an application, complete pre-initiate training, and undergo a formal initiation (this is currently being offered as a long-distance serve). Upon acceptance and initiation into our order you will gain access to all OL services, rites, and forums. Our members have access to discounted classes, OL exclusive educational materials, clergy for counselling and/or sacred rites, the potential for 12 step recovery groups, access to distance rites free of charge, access to members-only events, and the potential for being invited into specialized groups/orders aligned with your area of practice.
You can find the
 application here.  It is a downloadable PDF which requires you to fill in the blanks and save the file before sending it in. Please note that only serious practitioners are welcome in Order Of Lilith and will be chosen under Lilith’s guidance and with the discernment of our High Priest.

OUR MISSION: We exist to give serious Daemonolaters a safe haven in which to practice, share, and grow in their spirituality without all the ego, pomp and romp so common in online groups.Order of Lilith is run by members of our Order and our High Priest
. All of those who wish to seek membership will be required to fill out an application, complete pre-initiate training, and take a formal distance initiation. Once these steps are complete, you will have access to all Order's services, rites, and forums.