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Initiation Ritual With Lucifer, Lilith & The Dark Gods

Initiation Ritual With Lucifer, Lilith & The Dark Gods

Regular price $400.00 USD
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Learn The Hidden Secrets Of Magic From Experienced Order Of Lilith Teachers... I Am Here To Share Lucifer's, Lilith's, And The Gods And Goddesses Of The Left Hand Path's Wisdom

You can receive the following at an Initiation Ritual:

• Draconian and Luciferian Magical Initiation
• Certified Pacts with spirits and deities 
• Vision quests and Qliphothic self-initiation
• Ritual Consultation and empowerment
• Creating a personal spirit guide


    Hello everyone, this is the High Priest Of Order Of Lilith,

    Let me introduce myself and tell you how I may assist you in your personal ascension.

    I am the founder and coordinator of the Temple & Order Of Lilith, and I previously ran another magical group for almost ten years, working in witchcraft, necromancy, demonology, Goetic magic, Necronomicon Gnosis, and Qliphothic Qabalah, as well as many magical traditions: Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Scandinavian, and Babylonian.

    I'll be giving personal consultations and guidance to individuals interested in learning more about the Qliphoth and the Left Hand Path's self-initiation magic.

    I have vast expertise in both practical magic and the study of numerous magical traditions, and I am an active practitioner, devoting the majority of my time and energy to my personal and spiritual development. In my experience, magic can bring you many wonderful things and empower your life in amazing ways, and if you set yourself on the right track in your magical development, things like prosperity, love, success, happiness, and so on will flow into your life without the need for any special magical operations. It takes time, effort, and a lot of self-discipline to learn how to do all of this, but it's well worth the effort, and it's all part of the self-initiation process of the Left Hand Path.

    I think that magic is accessible to everyone, and that you can learn whatever other magicians can accomplish.

    I think that magic is accessible to everyone, and that you can learn whatever other magicians can accomplish. As a result, I can teach you how to begin your path to Godhood, and I will support you in your psycho-spiritual growth by answering your questions, leading you on the initial steps on your self-initiation road, and assisting you in your magical operations. All of this is something I teach on a daily basis in the Order Of Lilith, and I have a long history of dealing with other magicians, both beginners and expert practitioners.

    I am now available for private consultations and unique rituals. Perhaps in the future, my schedule will allow me to provide other services. Please read the following information if you want to schedule a ceremony with me:

    Personal Consultations

    How it works – When you book the ritual, I'll send you an email to confirm the details. Then, at the appointed time, I will meet with you to assist you with whatever you desire to learn or discuss. This will be a one-on-one email consultation.

    What kind of assistance is offered – Anything you want to talk about, from theoretical fundamentals to advanced practise on the Left Hand Path. I can assist you in the design of your rituals, point you in the right direction if you are looking for a specific spirit or deity to empower your work or manifest your intent, teach you about magical methods and techniques that you can use in your personal practise, and assist you if you run into problems with your magical operations.

    What kind of magic you can learn from me – Draconian magic, ritual work, self-initiations, astral magic, meditation, various forms of practise and theory within the scope of the Qliphoth, Luciferian magic, female sorcery, Necronomicon Gnosis, sex magic, Lilith, Tiamat, possession work, pacts with spirits, self-empowerment techniques, invocations, evocations, and many others.

    Initiation Rituals

    How it works – When you schedule this ritual with me, I'll contact you through email within 24-72 hours to go over the specifics of what you're expecting and how it may be handled. Before the ceremony is done, the procedure may include personal interaction with you through Skype and/or necessary preparations. We will go through everything in depth until we reach an agreement. Then I'll execute the ceremony for you and give you a comprehensive report of how it went. At the time, video recordings are not feasible, but I will offer you with images of your ritual being performed , an explanation of the technique, and anything else you may want.

    Please keep in mind that I will always thoroughly investigate your situation, and I retain the right to deny and refund a ritual if what you request is not within the scope of my services. Please read the available rituals below carefully

    Let’s review the 4 kinds of rituals I can do for you –

    1. Initiations into the Draconian, Luciferian, and Left Hand Paths

    I've been performing initiations into the Draconian Path, Luciferian magic, and the Left Hand Path in general for over a decade, both through the Order Of Lilith and in my own practise. If you don't know where to begin on the path or need help advancing your workings and skills, I will perform an initiation ritual for you that will awaken your psychic senses, enhance your personal abilities, and open you to the influences of specific realms, deities, magical currents, and so on, allowing you to work with them on your own. In addition, I will channel and design a particular sigil for you that will serve as your own key to the current. I'll happily assist you in the process and help you attain the degree you want, whether you're a novice or an expert magician seeking initiation into the Draconian or Luciferian Tradition.

    2. Pacts With Spirits & Deities

    I will summon a spirit or deity of your choosing and guide you into a pact that will assist you in manifesting your short and long term goals, whether spiritual or material. Wealth, love, prosperity, wisdom, and power can all be achieved via a personal relationship with gods or spirits. The ritual may not immediately manifest these things for you, but I will open astral portals for the energy of the selected spirit or deity to flow into your life and bring forth what you wish into your particular world. If you like, I may bind the spirit's energy to a specially consecrated talisman or item that you can keep in your personal temple or take with you to strengthen the impact - this is all discussed upon request and may incur an additional fee if the item in question is to be manufactured or purchased. I often deal with numerous spirits and deities, particularly Lucifer and Lilith, and will use my expertise and experience to bring their presence into your life.

    3. Qliphoth Awakening Ritual – Self-Initiatory Magic & Vision Quests

    I will help you awaken and strengthen your psychic abilities so that you may converse with the forces of the Dark Tree, initiate you into certain realms and teach you how to absorb their energies, and construct an astral shield around you to keep you safe throughout your astral trips and vision quests. This type of ceremony, like initiation, will require your direct participation, i.e. performing the same activities with me at the same time. However, physical attendance is not essential, and the technique will be discussed individually before to the working.

    4. Creating A Spirit Companion

    Spirit companions (servitors) are thought-forms created to aid you in your magical activity or to execute a specific chore for you. They can be trained to assist you in a specific ritual, to manifest your goal, or to be your permanent companions (familiars). I will help you through the entire process of creating the spirit's sigil and name, programming it for a specific purpose, and activating it on the astral plane to change it into a true spirit. These beings can do anything you want them to do, from creating money and fortune in your life to shielding you from attack and giving psychic protection in your personal area to becoming your spirit partners.

    I invite you to schedule the ritual so that we can assist you in your ascension.

    Darkest Blessings,

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